23 June 2015

Leader’s Retreat time to recharge

Posted in Camp life

Ever felt like you just needed a relaxing break to unwind and restore your vigour, both physically and spiritually? Can’t remember the last time you had a decent getaway to recharge the batteries? Volunteer with SU QLD and identify as a Christian?

Then SU QLD’s Leader’s Retreat is for you. Leader’s Retreat Director, Marg Tognolini, and a team of experienced volunteers, have put together the ideal recharge weekend experience for all of our wonderful volunteers who invest so much of their spare time caring for Queensland’s children and young people. Quite often these committed volunteers don’t take enough time to care for themselves.

“There is something very special and unique about spending a weekend away from everything and life’s busy agendas to just be with others and intentional time with God,” says Marg.

BornhoffenLocated at Bornhoffen PCYC camping facility (pictured), in the tranquil Gold Coast Hinterland, the focus is very much on using the time to disconnect and intentionally centre on what really matters. As an SU QLD camp leader or volunteer, quite often all of your holidays are filled with activities so it’s very important to spend some relaxing time rediscovering your motivation to positively impact the lives of young people.

“It’s hard to get time in our busyness at home, work, uni, to spend intentional time hearing from others, being encouraged in our faith journey, and actually stopping long enough to hear what God is saying through others and His Word. It’s an amazing opportunity to simply do this. And of course always have fun with others.”

“Our team’s motivation is to provide an environment where this can happen. And as a team we have all experienced what a time like this can do for our faith. We really encourage all volunteers – past and present to come away on retreat with us.”

It is a time to be surrounded by people with similar interests and motivation that allows for community and relationship building. With all the attendants having volunteered with SU QLD or have a strong link with the organisation, there is often a great deal of comradery found between everyone – a bond between relative strangers. This element of Leader’s Retreat is one of Marg’s favourites.

“Working with a group of volunteers who are passionate about the same thing and that is putting together a weekend that will help other volunteers and friends to take time out to chat, listen and reflect on their faith journey.”

For more information or to apply, please visit sucamps.org.au/leadersretreat

Simeon Lawson

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