4 June 2018

You are the village raising the next generation

Posted in Family life / Our heritage / SU QLD / Supporter


It’s often said, ‘it takes a village to raise a child’. But it’s only recently that this adage really sunk in for me.

I’d just finished speaking with a very dear supporter whose husband had recently passed away. She’d called to let me know she was leaving a gift in her will to SU QLD.

She wasn’t seeking recognition or wanting anyone to make a fuss over her. In fact, she had no intention of letting me know until she was prompted by something she’d read.

These faithful supporters, whose history with SU QLD extends back to their youth, were never able to have children of their own.

But through SU QLD they ‘inherited’ tens of thousands of children, who they have helped bring God’s love and hope to.

The ability to positively impact young lives well into the future is what prompted her to leave a bequest.

As she was talking to me I was reminded that it is dear friends like her and her late husband who are that village, helping to raise the next generation.

Another supporter I spoke to recently, who’d had a daughter she’d lost many years ago, said she and her husband didn’t have great capacity to give, but by leaving a gift in their will they knew they could leave a lasting legacy to positively impact young lives for years to come.

Today’s generation are blessed with so many things we didn’t have when we were young.

But they also face many issues we didn’t have.

More young people today are coming from broken homes and seeing their families torn apart by substance abuse and more.

Our children need a village of support.

They need to have someone who is willing to listen. Most of all they need to know they are valued and loved by a God who is far greater than their greatest challenges.

As people who love God and want to share his love and hope with a young generation, we can be the village our children need to thrive.

If you’d like to learn more about leaving a gift in your will to SU QLD to bring God’s love and hope to a young generation, contact Yvette on 0427 006 390 or
07 3112 6402, or email bequests@suqld.org.au.

Jennifer Kerr

Media and Communications Administrator

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